One Wellwynd
Airdrie ML6 0BN
Airdrie Meditation ( In Person)

12.45pm - 1.30pm

Meditation, Self Esteem & Positive Thinking : Short Talk & Guided Meditation

with Catherine Curley

Meditation can calm you down, lift your spirits, and give you mastery over your mind and emotions.

Meditation will empower you to adopt new habits and replace unwanted ones.

Meditation may give you a more positive outlook, and help you to find meaning and purpose in life.

No Booking Required    Beginners Welcome      Donations   Welcome

Who We Are …The Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide organisation dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal through the power of meditation.

It has an ongoing interest in developing programs that empower the individual.

Originally founded in India in 1937, there are one million students world-wide across 110 countries.

Those who know the Brahma Kumaris may know them for wearing white,

for the fact that they are led by women,

for their practice of open-eyed meditation, for their emphasis on self-transformation or for their greeting of “Om Shanti.”

They do not chant, they have a minimal number of rituals and they have a practice of Raja Yoga Meditation that involves self-transformation through elevated thoughts and connection with The Divine in silence…

What most don’t know about the Brahma Kumaris is the base of knowledge that constitutes their foundation.

Raja Yoga, is a path of lifelong learning, study and application in daily life.

Because they understand this knowledge to be so vital for the world at this time, the Brahma Kumaris have undertaken to share it more broadly…

We hope you enjoy…

