How to be stable through the ups and downs ( In Person )

When a ship is caught in a storm, the captain navigates the ship towards the eye of the storm, a place of calm. 


Saturday 4pm – 5.15pmSpeaker: Rose Goodenough who co-ordinates the centre has been practising & teaching meditation since the early 1980s. Sister Rose has a wealth of wisdom. 


Her talks have been described as practical, powerful and uplifting.

Seating = chairs


How to find us: InnerSpace Glasgow, Suite 16, Academy House, 1346 Shettleston Road, Glasgow, G32 9AT. 

If driving enter via Killin Drive G32 9AY  . Buzzer 16 to enter car park.  front door press 16 CALL.  Main door is to left of building as you face the front of building.

If walking there is a gate on right of building.

Visitors frequently ask us how we fund the work of the BKWSU and Inner Space.

All volunteers are unpaid. They give their time & skills freely. You can donate the InnerSpace website. https://glasgow.innerspace.org/donations

Inner Space is a meditation and personal development space managed by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK)

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